Jukebox Stories A1 - D0
Listen to these 100 powerful stories here on the Jukebox website and on the jukebox at Cambridge Foundry.
A1 - Elisa Hamilton, Artist Creator of Jukebox, shares the story of why she made this project.
A3 - Yvonne Gittens shares a story about the kids cooking classes that she teaches at Cambridge Community Center.
A2 - James Spencer shares his story about growing up in the Inman Square neighborhood of Cambridge.
A4 - Joe Rose shares a story about his grandmother, Mary Poillucci, who was a lifelong resident of East Cambridge.
A5 - Wen-hao Tien shares her story about multiculturalism and community in Cambridge.
A6 - Jazz Dottin, Myrtle Garro and Sandra Lowe - three generations of women share their layered story of 72 years in their Cambridge home.
A7 - Kyrk Morris shares his story of what led him to the Restorative Practices field and shares some of the joys and challenges of that work.
A8 - Tony Clark shares a story about a formative moment in his childhood and the special teacher whose compassionate actions continue to resonate with him.
A9 - Ben Cunningham shares a story about his family’s rich traditions of food and a memorable childhood quest through Central Square.
A0 - Sage Carbone shares the story of Cambridge City Growers, a volunteer-run organization that started in April 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic.
B1 - Stephanie Morris and Christopher Hope discuss Stephanie’s arrival in Cambridge many years ago, and her dedicated service to the Cambridge community.
B2 - Tyrone Bellitti shares his story about inconnectivity, community, and his journey of becoming who he is.
B3 - Guerlancia Laurent shares stories about her community-focused role at Margaret Fuller House in Cambridge.
B4 - Krysia Villón shares the story of how her father, Arturo Villón, enhanced the Cambridge community through his food and music.
B5 - Laura Jasinski and Taylor Leonard of Charles River Conservancy share the story of The Lynch Family Skatepark.
B6 - Paula Paris shares the story of her family home in Cambridge and the close knit Black community that she and her family are still a part of. This story was recorded in partnership with the Cambridge Black History Project.
B7 - Leon Wilson shares the story of how his Cambridge education helped to shape his future. This story was recorded in partnership with the Cambridge Black History Project.
B8 - Robin McCree shares the story of what led her to become the first Black female probation officer in the city of Cambridge, and then later, the first Black assistant clerk magistrate in the city of Cambridge. This story was recorded in partnership with the Cambridge Black History Project.
B9 - Melvin Downes shares stories about growing up in Cambridge and his lifelong love of nature in New England. This story was recorded in partnership with the Cambridge Black History Project.
B0 - Sumner McClain shares stories about some of the distinct memories and people that shaped his experience of growing up in Cambridge. This story was recorded in partnership with the Cambridge Black History Project.
C1 - Madlyn Johnson shares memories about her social youth in Cambridge. This story was recorded in partnership with the Cambridge Black History Project.
C2 - Dennis Dottin shares a story about the rich recreational programming that he facilitated as Director of the Neighborhood House Teen Center in Cambridge. This story was recorded in partnership with the Cambridge Black History Project.
C3 - Wesley Taylor shares the story of his departure from, and return to Cambridge. This story was recorded in partnership with the Cambridge Black History Project.
C4 - Wendell Bourne shares the story of a pivotal moment in his college experience that forever changed how he understood the world. This story was recorded in partnership with the Cambridge Black History Project.
C5 - David Wood shares memories about his experience of Cambridge, including a story about his great-grandmother and her conviction to hold onto their family home. This story was recorded in partnership with the Cambridge Black History Project.
C6 - Earle Maxwell shares the story of some of his professional experiences working for the The United States Postal Service. This story was recorded in partnership with the Cambridge Black History Project.
C7 - Lloyd Williams shares his story of Cambridge entitled Central Square: The Sweet Life.
C8 - Jeanette Pina shares the story of “The Pearls.” This story was recorded in partnership with the Cambridge Black History Project.
C9 - Phyllis Janey shares the story of some of the teachers who made a strong impression on her growing up in Cambridge. This story was recorded in partnership with the Cambridge Black History Project.
C0 - Marian Darlington-Hope shares her experiences of deep community engagement throughout her life in Cambridge. This story was recorded in partnership with the Cambridge Black History Project.
D1 - Bruce Marshall shares some of his experiences of growing up in the Cambridge community. This story was recorded in partnership with the Cambridge Black History Project.
D2 - Richard Olken shares the story of his father’s legacy and The Bicycle of Exchange of Harvard Square.
D3 - Robert Murrell Jr. shares his story of how the Harvard Upward Bound program, along with some very special teachers, shaped the course of his life. This story was recorded in partnership with the Cambridge Black History Project.
D4 - Gloria Bourne Lee shares her story of determination and education. This story was recorded in partnership with the Cambridge Black History Project.
D5 - John Gintell shares the story of how he became involved in the Cambridge LBGTQ+ Commission, and also how he became involved in gender-free contra-dance.
D6 - Eddie Harris describes in detailed recollection what it was like for him growing up in Cambridge. This story was recorded in partnership with the Cambridge Black History Project.
D7 - Elsie Thornhill Harding Scott talks about some of her social experiences with The Margaret Fuller House and The Neighborhood House in Cambridge. This story was recorded in partnership with the Cambridge Black History Project.
D8 - Roland Gibson shares his story of how teachers made a difference in his life. This story was recorded in partnership with the Cambridge Black History Project.
D9 - Elaine Thorne shares some of her memories of growing up in The Coast neighborhood of Cambridge. This story was recorded in partnership with the Cambridge Black History Project.
D0 - Linda Johnson shares some of her memories and professional experiences in Cambridge, including working at Mount Auburn Hospital. This story was recorded in partnership with the Cambridge Black History Project.
Many of these stories were recorded in partnership with the Cambridge Black History Project as noted in their description. These long-format interviews are presented in excerpt form for Jukebox. The complete recorded interviews of these stories, which are more extensive, have been archived in The Cambridge Room at Cambridge Public Library and are available for listening there.